we bring the sun to the earth

Be bright, turn to solar light

Invest now for a bright future

Solar energy, the power of nature

Your future starts now with RGS


 RGS Company

RGS is a leading company in the field of solar energy and its goal from the beginning is to use small solar cells, especially decentralized production plants that are installed in residential and commercial buildings, public buildings, hotels and industrial facilities, which is a catalyst for the spread of the use of small solar power plants connected to the network in addition to establishing Centers to provide technical support and consultations, increase the proportion of the local manufacturing component, prepare technical cadres and support the emerging markets for this technology in Egypt, accompanied by new job opportunities for young people, and remove barriers to increasing energy production by means of small solar cells.

 Our vision

RGS is one of the first solar energy installation companies in Egypt, as it is approved by the New and Renewable Energy Authority and authorized to practice the profession and install solar energy systems. 

RGS aims to implement innovative designs for solar energy by implementing many innovative ideas that are suitable for all uses.

We always strive to spread solar energy throughout Egypt because it is the future, and the best solution to obtain a permanent and renewable energy source without any negative effects on the environment.

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Solar Water Heater

Solar Water Pump

آخر الأخبار

Our Goals

RG is the first company specialized in solar energy in Egypt, as the company has established many solar power stations that aim to develop the market for the production of small solar cell systems and facilitate the installation of solar cell systems, which leads to a direct reduction of greenhouse gases.
These projects aim at several points, summarized as follows:
– Design, implementation and operation of a technical system for the deployment of solar cell systems on the basis of a system that can be developed and replicated easily.
Activating an institutional and legal framework that supports the spread of small-scale decentralized electricity production units from solar cell systems.
Increasing local manufacturing opportunities and ensuring the provision of high quality solar cell system products in the Egyptian market.
Develop a plan for quality control and approval of devices and fixtures to build trust with customers and obtain positive results.
Proposing a financing file and establishing a database of local financial institutions to facilitate the financing of small solar cell systems

Solutions and high quality in the field of electrical and energy systems

The world is currently witnessing, and Egypt in particular, a great demand for electricity, and the market is currently witnessing a development in the technology of generating and distributing electricity, and protection systems from its dangers, so we strive to keep pace with development and fill the market need for electricity demand using non-traditional and renewable methods

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ايهما افضل سخان شمسي ام سخان الغاز ام السخان الكهربائي

ايهما افضل سخان شمسي ام سخان الغاز ام السخان الكهربائي

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الطاقة الشمسية صديقة للبيئة

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أسعار سخانات الطاقة الشمسية في مصر 2023

أسعار سخانات الطاقة الشمسية في مصر 2023

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تكاليف السخانات الشمسية المركزية للمباني التجارية والسكنية

تكاليف السخانات الشمسية المركزية للمباني التجارية والسكنية

تكاليف السخانات الشمسية المركزية للمباني التجارية والسكنية في مصر من شركة RGS تقدم بأفضل الأسعار، فنحن من أكفأ الشركات بمصر نعمل على تصنيع كافة أنواع السخانات من أفضل الألواح الشمسية القادرة على تجميع وامتصاص الطاقة الشمسية (أشعة الشمس والحرارة) من الجو، في هذا...

افضل شركات تركيب السخان الشمسي فى مصر

افضل شركات تركيب السخان الشمسي فى مصر

شركة RGS تعد افضل شركة تركيب السخان الشمسي فى مصر، نحن متخصصون في صناعة وتوريد السخانات الشمسية، حيث تضم الشركة نخبة رائعة من الكوادر المحترفة الذين يعملون على توفير خدمات عالية الجودة وبكل مهارة عالية. نحن نعلم أن في السنوات الأخيرة ازداد الطلب بشكل كبير للغاية من...

افضل انواع الواح الطاقة الشمسية

افضل انواع الواح الطاقة الشمسية

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